Los Angeles CA the USA
Dr Bryant has a lot to offer not just one on one but bring about the concept of a lifestyle that feeds the souls and inspire them to live well every day.
Her Book Mental Detox is a must-read for all. All of us have something at some point we should let go of. This holistic yet practical approach to tending our thoughts and feelings has a foundation build on her own experience. We gravitate to what we need to solve and grow from, but at some point repeating the same to get the message gets old and boring at best if not a source of too much drama in life.
Life coaching or therapy is key to breaking that pattern.
ET- What lead you to become an expert of psychology all the way to getting not just a medical degree but a Doctorate of psychology?
CB- Of course, it was my own need for inner work to lead me to get the know-how during my studies. I did not know why at first I was attracted to the topic of phycology, but the time I was getting my masters it became clear that I was looking for tools to fix my own problems. I then realised that many problems persist because they need fixing, not everyone goes to college to find the tools to fix themselves but rather to get a profession for wok purpose. That lack of skills in others is what is driving me to share my skill of harmonizing our emotions and life with addressing believes that drive people to actions not in their own interest or hurt others as result.
ET-What do you feel is the problem most people are facing right now?
CB- Many people are dead with a pulse. Some are living alone forced to hear the inner voice bringing up childhood problems that were never fixed, and having no tools to fix them. This is why we are witnessing a rise in suicide.
ET-How do you suggest to help people gain the awareness or the skills to come out of the dark state of mind where they cannot see the end of the hallway?
CB- I need to bring the light into the emotions they have and shift them out of the dark into the light with a focus on the question “-who do you want to be?” This is very good for them to look forward into life not back with pain and regret of what they cannot change. This brings excitement and the possibility of inventing themselves a new. Designing the future with light over the head not living from the dark and gloom
ET- What emotional factor this process offers to the people?
CB-Processing emotions from a positive perspective of possibilities change the direction of the life plan. It creates inner peace and peace of mind, the sense of being alive again, Creativity offers that, this is why the environment must be inspiring. having a clean organized space brings organized creative ideas to life.
ET -what do you see as the key to achieving this goal?
CB- it is a stable mind that” visits life but is not us”
That means; What you feel, think and believe are the same not separate this offer being authentic and at peace with yourself.
We will never manage life but we can manage ourselves.
ET- can you give an example of the difference between managing us and life?
CB- Panic is a reaction during hurricane season. It is only a season. Hold your guard, stay stable and strong. No need to keep recovering from it for the rest of your life. The season is here to serve you – to calibrate you to a higher level in life. As Bible said “Be in the World not of the World”
This translates to Be present, aware, capable of making free will decisions.
Love and hate are the same experiences of emotions. All are connected to the accountability piece” what I see in you is in me to fix”
What we see in others is who we are not who they are.
You can Pivot to be and see what you want and who you are. Every day is a fresh start to being the designed YOU.
ET- How do they start that day of a new self?
By finding a purpose, by seeking to find self and give it to self as a gift of new life and then others will flourish around from it.
It will be the gift that keeps on giving.
ET- You have many workshops that help people find the skills to heal emotional wounds and restore a positive outlook on life by learning new skills. Where can they find you?
CB- I have a website that is a great resource for online workshops and where I can be reached for life coaching as well.
I am committed to my clients as I feel that:
” Not on my watch will you wander through life”
here it is: