I had the pleasure of meeting Dr.Nandi and be interviewed by him on the topic of “sleep” that is addressed in my book titled “Be Fabulous at Any Age”. I do not have the date when the episode will be aired yet, but I can tell you little about it.
Dr.Nandi is passionate about bringing information from people that have issues and found a solution to them. My episode was all about skin and sleep as one factor to consider.
My book goes into details of why the sleep is so important and how to create regular deep healing sleep. The topic has one chapter dedicated to explaining why and how to achieve good night sleep by involving Sun in the process. Sun and our eyes communicate to our brain the quality of light and what needs to be extracted from it to heal at night as nutrients and vitamins before sunset. This practice is done daily and at a certain time will assure restoration of the circadian cycle without the need for sleeping pills.
Good night sleep will restore damaged cells and create more youthful skin providing it has needed nutrients to build with. Replete skincare is the source of the food for the skin and you can have it too.
you can find circadian and seasonal skincare here www.repleteskincare.comhttps://www.repleteskincare.com
you can find the book on amazon or www.befabulousatanyage.com