Illinois USA
Jennifer Hernandez fully uncensored memoir of your life leading to final success over obstacles from life circumstances to beliefs and betrayals with deceit. Most of She is sharing what anyone can do with this kind of life lesson stemming from trauma and disappointments of others’ behaviours lack of consideration and indifference wrapped up in a selfish lazy human body. So what!!
Hernandez knows that ultimately making a personal decision to focus on the quality of life without allowing harm to herself her children and others leads to the superhuman ability to conquer it all.
Hernandez points to those who are under the influence attempting to avoid facing a life full of expectations and losing life as a result.
Making internal decisions to go forward with defined intentions becomes the motivation to succeed.
This process is clearly shown by Hernandez in her steps to that success staying clean sober and taking control of her life is a way to a good life. She wrote this book to inspire the reader and empower those around them, filled with doubts. Not all people around you are meant to go through life with you. Letting go of beliefs and connections with people is a natural part of moving forward with life.
Jennifer truly shares the most intimate emotions that were cause of her decisions in life starting at a very early age. From watching her parent’s dynamic leading to divorce by alcohol as a numbing agent for male ego, to her divorce caused by the same. She realized that her four children’s lives were as good as her decisions and she chose to make good ones. The heart she shows us in her book is one of many kept hidden, not wanting to do something that would make a woman not lovable if she does not agree or has independent desires from her man. The fear of rejection leads many women to the wrong corner of the room without doors, and feel trapped. Jennifer shows that Drugs and alcohol are not escape from life but end the life. Jennifer shows how a clear reasoning mind creates a beautiful life regardless of obstacles that miraculously evaporate when you start your new journey with conviction. Coincidences show up and opportunity, if you are not afraid to ask for the terms. That is what you will earn from reading her book, the authentic life each one is gifted. With her encouragement, you will step into the role of self-manager without fear of the responsibilities life brings as a balance of rewards. After all, it is your journey through time on Earth to create your reality that suits the character and personality you choose to be. The way Jennifer Hernandez delivers the purpose of the events that took place in her life, turning them into wisdom erases all trauma as the value from the events seems so grim brings her the strength, the knowledge to handle life by understanding others’ intentions and how their judgment of other should have no input in her emotions and believe in her self. Self-worth comes from being authentic and truthful. That brings peace success and life of your dreams to being your own.